Women with Broken Wings
is a humanist project of international scale, initiated by Elizabeth Sombart. It aims to help raise global consciousness about the crimes committed onto women by other human beings.
To honor, to share, to bear witness
Women with broken wings are too many and know no borders:
- At least 1 in 3 women in the world is battered or a victim of abuse during her life
- In India, annual dowry-related deaths are estimated at 15 000
- 20 to 70% of women victims of mistreatment have never spoken up about their experience before being interrogated
- In the United Kingdom 2 women each week are victims of violence
- Honor killings are still found in legal codes of Peru, Bangladesh, Argentina, Cisjordan, Egypt, Ecuador, Guatemala, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and Venezuela.
- In France, near 400 women die each year due to domestic violence
- In Italy, almost 70% of women are victims of violence
Some of the numbers are appalling; and the anonymity of these abuses is a form of destitution of the soul. Let’s try anew, providing vestures to cover their souls. Source: Amnesty International, French Ministry of the Interior, FIDH (Worldwide Human Rights Movement), United Nations Commission on Human Rights.